5x dear souls

Super charged new moon energy this weekend. I’m looking forward to painting my lips & disappearing into private witchy things. Here are a few things I’ve been mulling over.

  1. Fall Equinox Brings Kali & The Burning of the Old Self via dear soul, actress, and activist Michelle Thrush
  2. Anaak – Escape via dear soul & artist Stephanie Kuse
  3. The Aesthetic Language of Pina Bausch via AnOther
  4. Gender is Not a Spectrum via dear soul & artist Annette Marie Nedlienka
  5. Warpaint’s new release Heads Up

5x where my heart is

Another list of things that have touched my heart like a spark plug to the thunder bolt.

  1. Maurice Sendak final interview and where the title of this list comes from
  2. Werner Herzog on Creativity, Self-Reliance, and How to Make a Living Doing What You Love via Brain Pickings
  3. Stephen Colbert telling the story of how he met his wife via the wonderful Paige Lansky
  4. The Machine by Joey Comeau
  5. Glitter by respectfulchild 

5x immunity

I’m lying in my bed, sick as a dog, thinking of how to get better. Dreaming  of all the things I’ve left unsaid I awoke with a frog in my throat several days ago. A suppressed immune system & overactive nervous system. My body is setting its own rhythm as seasons change. Unable to speak, a mandatory period of bed rest & reflection at the start of a voluntarily sober September. This is what I am musing on in my sick bed.


  1. Hunger Makes Me via my dear friend Charlie Peters, a poignant reflection on female appetite 
  2. For Men* Who Desperately Need Autonmy via Nora Samaran
  3. Legendary Ballerina Sylvie Gulliem Performs Sacred Monster via the lovely Ann Connors
  4. Dr. Gabor Mate – How Stress Causes Disease a talk from his research for When The Body Says No which I have been thinking about as my immune system & nervous system go haywire 
  5. The Real Reason Women Drink via my charming friend Sarah Etter


I’m lying in my bed, sick as a dog, thinking of how to get better. Dreaming  of all the things I’ve left unsaid I awoke with a frog in my throat several days ago. A suppressed immune system & overactive nervous system. My body is setting its own rhythm as seasons change. Unable to speak, a mandatory period of bed rest & reflection at the start of a voluntarily sober September. This is what I am musing on in my sick bed.


  1. Hunger Makes Me via my dear friend Charlie Peters, a poignant reflection on female appetite 
  2. For Men* Who Desperately Need Autonmy via Nora Samaran
  3. Legendary Ballerina Sylvie Gulliem Performs Sacred Monster via the lovely Ann Connors
  4. Dr. Gabor Mate – How Stress Causes Disease a talk from his research for When The Body Says No which I have been thinking about as my immune system & nervous system go haywire 
  5. The Real Reason Women Drink via my charming friend Sarah Etter

5x spellbound

Always be hustling to unleash that magic flow on the world.


  1. Alan Watts on the Hocus Pocus of Money via late night google – a reassuring way to think about income when my brain starts to spin
  2. Aesop Rock interviewed by Pitchfork also Impossible Kid is well in the lead for my favourite album released this year
  3. I recently picked up milk and honey by rupi kaur and fell instantly in love – you can check out her insta poetry here
  4. Anias Nin on the fluid self via Brain Pickings – a gentle reminder, an invitation 
  5. The Science of Using Yoga to Heal from Trauma via Bitch – my body is the only place I’ve ever felt at home & I want to get back there
  6. New track Train Song by Shirley & The Pyramids – love these guys & they’re out conquering the Canadian tour circuit now so check that shiz out