Creative Mess

I live with out a tv, computer, wifi, radio, iPod or iPad, car, or even a bike currently. I keep no hobbies, I play no sports, I’m terrible at cards, I don’t smoke, and my small talk skills are terrible.

All so that I can devote all my free time and dollars to the pursuit of living a creative life.

That means when I am not at home creating art I’m out enjoying it at galleries, theatres, bars, cafés, in the streets and under the bridges.

The only pastimes I allow myself to escape are reading, yoga, and occasionally sex.

You think with all of that I would be more productive.

I might have to get rid of my smart phone, my one tie to the outside world.


New idea: objects and 1 Take Super 8 festival

I am going to build an interactive art installation/that explores our relationship to the universe through our relationship to objects.

Due to the circumstance of the piece further details must remain under wraps, but I look forward to sharing teasers as the project progresses.

I am presently seeking a gallery to submit the piece to, or an alternative gallery space to commandeer for a week to three weeks for the purposes of art.

So far my greatest challenge with the piece is explaining the concept in an engaging way on paper without giving the audience too much information. I am reading a lot of backs of plays to see how other publishers and authors have accomplished this.

Meanwhile, I submitted a short film to the 1 take Super 8 festival. It’s my first piece on film, and the first film period I’ve shot in ten years.

The piece hasn’t been titled but the premise is Urban Alice in Wonderland. It’s shot on a single roll of B&W film (so under three minutes) completely silent with no effort to incorporate dialogue stand ins at all. Filmed in back alleys and under bridges in the rain; the inner city back drop is as essential to the piece as the performers themselves.

Hopefully it is in focus and not just a blurry mess. The great thing about the festival is I won’t know until it is revealed, alongside 24 other surprise films, In front of a live audience at the Roxy Theatre July 8th.

The festival is going to be a lot of good fun if you are in the YXE area you should check it out.

I’m going to try not to think about it until then to avoid dying from nerves, so I thought I better tell you about it now.


Morose texts from last night

Everyone dies; truth is lived in the moment.

Love is what happens while you are waiting around to die.

I want to love everyone but just for a little bit. Your five minutes are up.

Good and bad are mute points; it’s all the same shade of bleak on the greyscale.

I’ve had enough hair of the dog this week; I would be better off moving to China and eating the whole god damn thing.

Feel sorry for the children; they all grow up to be fuck ups in some bodies eyes. (Maybe yours?)

When I return I’m never going back.

Make more art. Burn the shitty stuff to stay warm. Repeat until masterpiece achieved.

Ain’t nobody got time to fix their make up for their mug shot.

Run the risk of trying too hard rather than dying bored. It’s only a failure in retrospect.

I write my memoirs starting at the end; one day I will catch up with where this story is going.

Tragedy gives weight to the most frivolous of moments. Laughter brings ease to the most dire of circumstances. Everything in excess.
