5x sensual silence

It takes me so much longer to put together these lists these days. I’m not in a receptive mood, but I’m not in a creative mood either. I’m oscillating between contemplative practices and social sensory stimulation. Trying to find a way just to exist in the world without coming or going too much. In the course of that here are a few things that have come up for me.

  1. Listen to Mulatu Astatke – New York Addis London (full album) via Broken Trancy Things
  2. What Do Your Sexual Fantasies Say About You? via Slutever
  3. Helmholtz Resonator via the book I’m currently reading Dramturgy of Sound in the Avant-Garde and Postdramatic Theatre
  4. Bob Dylan on Sacrifice, The Unconscious Mind, and How to Create the Perfect Work Environment via Brain Pickings
  5. Inspired by the art work of WITCHORIA revisted on The Hoodwitch

5x dissolvation

I’ve been turning these seven questions over and over. Here are a few related things that I have turned up in my contemplation. Enjoy

  1. 3 Reasons Why Folks Who Don’t “Look” Non-Binary Can Still Be Non-Binary – Everyday Feminism
  2. Ursula K. Le Guin on Being a Man via Brain Pickings – although her writing pre-dates the latest wave of non-binary conversation it very neatly captures many of the ideas around the subject I’ve struggled with. That liminal place between gender roles that artists and thinkers frequently occupy.
  3. Noam Chomsky has a new documentary on Netflix called Requiem for the American Dream
  4. The Evolutionary Purpose of the Scorpio in Pluto Generation via Wake Up World
  5. Redefining Death by Geshe Michael Roach via Dr. Joos